Fil-Am's Free Tagalog class is now in session and we couldn't be happier, we have an overwhelming positive response to the class. We were quite nervous to see how many students will actually join but by the time our registration closed, we had over 30 students registered and our first day of class, almost 50 were in attendance. We are thrilled that there is a longing for learning our National Language Tagalog.
Our esteemed Teacher, Nenette Imperial, delivered a fun, productive and effective curriculum on the first day of class. Students learned the alphabets, the vowels and consonants and simple and common greetings.
Students were delighted to learn Tagalog words and expressions on the first day and even more excited to speak it and start a conversation with their Tagalog speaking parents, families and friends.
So join us, it's still not too late to learn how to speak, write and read Tagalog.
Class is held every Tuesday at 7:00pm via zoom meeting.
Fil-Am Association of SCV, Inc. is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
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Passcode: P3bnzt
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